Bozen-Bolzano, gateway to the Dolomites

Bozen-Bolzano is located in the heart of the Alps. The city lies at the feet of the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Dolomites”.  Once a city of merchants, the capital city of South Tyrol is nowadays one of Europe’s most beloved holiday spots.

© StevanZZ

The Bolzano area lies at the foot of the Alps and at the same time at the crossroads of the Mediterranean and German-speaking areas of Europe. This is reflected in the local culture and wine production, with the following highlights:

•              98% of the production is AOC

•              over 20 grape varieties; niche products

•              presence of different crops in a reduced space

•              steep terrace systems, challenging mechanization and water supply

•              presence of very small agricultural farms (1-2 ha)

•              several producers of wines from disease resistant grape varieties

•              large cooperative wineries

•              vineyards located in a touristic area (Dolomites)